Work Orders
How are work orders Closed within AirBourne?
AirBourne includes a user friendly process to ensure work orders are fully validated and updated in the system with all the required information to help continue to maintain and forecast future aircraft maintenance.
The validation process in Airbourne include several functions.
Clear list of each item included in the work order.
Option to upload digital copies of task cards to each task as a DFP which would also appear within the system and on various reports relevant to the task.
Option to upload one document to several tasks within the work order. This help speed up the validation process.
Perform material changes using the exact same material change process found else where in the system such as the technical log page.
Certificates (form 1, certificate of conformity, Etc) can be uploaded for each material change. These certificates will appear within the system and on relevant reports related to the material.
Log non routine tasks raised during the performance of the work order. These items can be cross referred to relevant tasks being performed during the finding of the none routine.
a two step validation is performed, first closes the work pack and updates the system immediately to allow for planning to continue, second process allows evidence to be uploaded as needed.
Hard time tasks in the system will automatically ask for the required Overhaul and Used life information.
What are work orders?
Work orders are a formal document or form specifying the work to be carried out. Works included can contain tasks from the Manufacturers Planing Document (MPD), the owners Aircraft Maintenance Planning Document (AMP), Airworthiness Directives (ADs), Modifications and Repairs.
How are work orders Created within AirBourne?
Work orders are used within Airbourne to update accomplishment of tasks within the system. Tasks included in a work order can be MPD, AMP, Hard time, Out of Phase, Letter Checks, ADs, Service Bulletins, Engineering orders, or a combination of all.
Work orders within the Airbourne system can be generated using several functions.
Preliminary list of works can be generated for instances where you are planning for works but do not wish to issue a full work order.
Work orders can be automatically populated to clear a period in time. This will pull in any flight hour and cycles based tasks based on the utilisation set on the aircraft.
Tasks within a work order can be customised via their criteria. For example you can pull in hard time criteria tasks only or mix several criteria together.
Pull in ad hoc items for times where you only need to issue a few tasks.
Full control over out of sync tasks with a one click option to include all out of sync tasks related to your selected letter checks. This will then make them in sync on completion of the work order automatically.
Creation of none AMP tasks can be performed. For example when a carpet clean is required but the task is not in the system.
Deferred Defects raised via technical log pages can be included in work orders.