Technical Log Pages
What are technical log pages?
The aircraft technical log is a system for recording defects and malfunctions during the aircraft operation and for recording details of all maintenance carried out on an aircraft between scheduled base maintenance visits. In addition, it is used for recording flight safety and maintenance information the operating crew need to know.
How are technical log pages handled by Airbourne?
The technical log pages is a crucial part of the Airbourne system. The accumulation of recorded aircraft hours and cycles drive the forecasting of every task within the system. Essentially, the Airbourne system is current to the last technical log page uploaded.
Within Airbourne the technical log page screen can handle several functions without the need to navigate to other pages.
Displays the aircraft type and registration mark automatically, clearly showing the database you are working within.
Markers to distinguish flight pages, maintenance pages, incomplete and void pages.
Ability to record the date, take-off and landing times of the aircraft.
Automatic calculation of running totals are checked against the manually populated field for any discrepancies in recorded flight hours or flight cycles.
Fields to record any defects including ability to link to ATA chapters for reliability readings.
Fields to record actions taken to rectify any defects raised.
Ability to perform material changes within the same process of adding other technical log page details without having to leave the screen.
Ability to link tasks to defects and accomplish/ update the system. NOTE: this is only intended but not limited to tasks not performed via a work order.
Fuel/ oil quantity and uplift values can be tracked with an automatic warning to indicate if a threshold has been reached.
Several fields to record further information such as the crew names, flight readings, de-icing and other checks.