Airworthiness Directives
What are Airworthiness Directives?
Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are legally enforceable regulations issued by an authority such as the FAA or EASA to correct an unsafe condition in an Aircraft, Engine or Appliance. ADs are often linked to service bulletins (SBs) and supplemental type certificates (STCs).
How are airworthiness directives (ADs) handled within AirBourne?
Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are held as a high priority item within Airbourne and as such are handled separately to other tasks within the system. This includes a process which ensures the AD is correctly created within the system and applied to the relevant aircraft within the fleet.
ADs are created with generic details to begin with which allow the AD to be applied to multiple aircraft.
The next step will be to perform a per aircraft assessment within the system to determine applicability.
Any continuing airworthiness requirements will be aircraft specific. This includes any section applicability, intervals, part limitations, open notes and remarks.
ADs within Airbourne can contain any number of sections to ensure all intent of the AD is tracked, managed and performed.
ADs created with sections can be applied to multiple aircraft across your database to keep them consistent.
ADs are commonly linked to other mandatory items such as service bulletins (SBs) and Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs). Within Airbourne we have the function to link items together to ensure accomplishment if automatically updated across all items.
For example the link could be set up as AD > SB > STC > EO. On accomplishment of the EO all items up the hierarchy will be updated to maintain consistency.