Reliability Program

What is reliability?

Airbourne FTM features a Reliability Program to supplement the Operator’s own Aircraft Scheduled Maintenance Program (AMP).

A Reliability Program is commonly required by National Authorities however it is also required when using a Maintenance Program based on MSG 3 maintenance philosophy (on-condition).

Reliability data available.

The content of the report depends on several factors, including the type of aircraft, the number of aircraft operated, and the number of hours flown. Visualising data using charts or graphs where available help to identify trends in the data to confirm or deny effectiveness in the operators AMP.

The program captures:

  • Pilot Reports (PIREPS),

  • Maintenance Reports (MAREPS),

  • Unscheduled component changes,

  • In-flight shut-downs (IFS) and;

  • Bird-Strikes.

  • and more…

The reports contain data on a variety of topics, including:

  • Hours flown

  • Number of landings

  • Number of defects and accidents

  • Material changes

  • reportable incidents

  • Oil consumption