Maintenance Planning Document (MPD) Revision
What is a Maintenance Planning Document (MPD)?
The Maintenance Planning Document (MPD) establishes the link between the airworthiness requirements and the maintenance procedures listed in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM). The MPD also contains additional information to help operators in the organization of maintenance (e.g. access information, man-hours, elapsed time, required skills, etc.)
Why does the Maintenance Planning Document (MPD) get revised?
To ensure the safety and requirements of an aircraft are kept up to standard, the MPD will be revised and issued out to the operators via the manufacturer of the aircraft. These revisions could affect any existing task(s), create new task(s) or remove task(s) from previous revisions.
How are MPD revisions handled by Airbourne?
AirBourne has a module to handle MPD revisions without affecting any live aircraft until finalised. This will allow for the revision to be performed over a time period and activated when ready. This process is built around several functions.
Add new MPD tasks.
Edit existing MPD tasks.
Remove exisiting MPD tasks.
Save the MPD revision to be used across your fleets.
Ability to import the MPD changes to an Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP) directly.